Free, ephemeral, open-source

0-knowledge encrypted file uploads

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Uploading indicates acceptance of the terms of service.

We care about your data. Read our privacy policy.

Frequently asked questions

Can 0up admins decrypt the files I upload?

No. The key required for decryption is never sent to 0up, meaning we have no ability to decrypt your uploads. Your file's meta data (file name, file type, etc) are also encrypted.

How does 0up work?

Your files are encrypted by your web browser, with a key that is generated on your browser. The key is never sent to 0up, meaning only you and those you share the link with can download the decrypted files.

Could you be sneaky and take a peak at our keys?

Your keys are passed as an anchor component in the URL (#YOUR_KEY_HERE). The anchor data is not sent as part of the request to the server and isn't logged by the server. While that doesn't mean it's impossible for nefarious or bad code to leak the key, we're open source and encourage you to check our work!

How do you make money?

We don't collect or sell user data, we don't include ads, and we don't have a paid plan. So, the short answer is, we don't make money. This is simply a passion project. Starring us on Github and/or reviewing us on Product Hunt would be much appreciated!

Do I have to trust you?

Nope. Clone 0up and host it on your own infrastructure.

What features will be added?

You tell us (and see what's in the works) on Github.